Best Music for Shroom Trip #6

Explore Tim Held’s third psychedelic audio journey, entirely composed on a modular synthesizer. Dive into the experience of winding down from a psychedelic trip, using music as a soft landing to reconnect with yourself post-trip. Embrace the emotions that come with the come-down phase.

Best Music for Shroom Trip #6

Entirely composed on a modular synthesizer, Music To Come Down To is Tim Held’s third psychedelic audio JOURNEY in this series. In 2019, the Podular Modcast host was inspired to compose this album after tripping with friends. As the title suggests, the album was made to listen to as your psychedelic trip winds down. Music To Come Down To is your soft landing to IRL.
Featuring music to trip to composed by Tim Held, host of Podular Modcast where he takes listeners on a journey through the world of modular synthesis vis-a-vis interviews with synthesists, module manufacturers/designers and synth shop owners to see how modular has impacted their life.
After listening to this episode you will have a better understanding of…

  • Making the most of the come down from a psychedelic experience
  • Consuming cannabis to level off the end of a trip
  • Unwinding and creating space to reconnect with yourself before you come back into your body and mind post-trip.
  • Embracing the emotions that come with feeling down

Episode Guests

Tim Held, Host of Podular Modcast // Podular Modcast Youtube

Episode Resources & Additional Reading

More Episodes from the Podcast

Podcast Episode Full Transcription

Episode Credits

Music to Come Down to was published by Flag Day Recordings Producer & Host: April Pride Audio Engineer: Nick Patri, Cloud Studios Theme music: Cheri Dub, Morris Johnson

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