Meet a Psychedelic Integration Coach

Natasha Lannerd, Director of Business Development for 1906 cannabis edibles, shares her insights into psychedelic integration therapy with magic medicinal mushrooms. Learn how facilitators help individuals access their inner healer and wisdom for transformation.

Meet a Psychedelic Integration Coach

Psychedelic Integration Coach Natasha Lannerd serves as Director of Business Development for cannabis edibles brand 1906 an is a certified breath work facilitator as well trained psychedelic facilitator. She joins the podcast this season to integrate 3 women looking to psychedelic integration therapy with magic medicinal mushrooms.

“Facilitators are not fixers. Everyone’s always looking for somebody to solve their problems, what makes this modality so incredible is that it unlocks our own inner healer, the wisdom within yourself that knows what needs to happen.” – Natasha Lannerd on Season 3’s theme, “Cultivating the Witness.”

Episode Guests

Natasha Lannerd

Episode Resources & Additional Reading

  • Psychable
  • EntheoNation

More Episodes from the Podcast

Podcast Episode Full Transcription

0:00:00.0 Adelia: Wow is the first thing that I gotta say is just, wow. [chuckle] I have not experienced anything like that. You want me to just go into it?

0:00:12.3 April Pride, host: Hey, I’m your host, April Pride, who every Friday brings you a new episode with stories from women who use psychedelics and cannabis to manage stress and anxiety, treat trauma and find deeper meaning and connection. I’ve been helping women navigate the ever-growing list of legal ways to get high since 2015, but there’s not one right high for every person all the time. That’s why The High Guide explores all the ways, and on this season of The High Guide, three women take their own solo journeys on psilocybin mushrooms and work with a psychedelic integration facilitator to tap the healer within.

0:00:51.7 Natasha Lannerd: If all day long, I’m thinking about all of these horrible, painful, soul-destroying things that happened to me, that’s who I become. And I didn’t want that. I did not want that, and frankly, I didn’t think my mom who passed away when I was a child wanted that for me.

0:01:12.8 April Pride, host: Thanks to a two-decade relationship with psychedelics, Natasha has connected with her true soul story, and she’s helping our three sister trippers this season do the same.

0:01:23.8 Lalin: Maybe I do have more power than I think that I do. I can move this energy and move my consciousness to another place of empowerment and my own ability.

0:01:38.6 April Pride, host: Come with us, The High Guide this season while we get trippy.

0:01:41.8 Maria: I open my eyes and I’m fully present, I’m in my room, I know it’s me but with the music, you’re able to just kind of go to these worlds.

0:01:52.5 April Pride, host: Let’s go to the worlds together. Let us, The High Guide, blow your mind wide open to what’s possible when you choose to go there. Tune in this season, starting March 18th to The High Guide, wherever you listen to podcasts.

Episode Credits

Producer & Host: April Pride Audio Engineer: Nick Patri, Cloud Studios Theme music: Cheri Dub, Morris Johnson

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